The undefined terms of geometry serve as the building blocks for defining other terms. There are three such undefined terms, including point, line, and plane. However, even if we don’t formally define them, we can, of course, describe these terms. There are plenty of ways in which teachers can make teaching the undefined terms of […]
An Introduction to Hundredths
Once children learn the tenths, they start learning how to read, write, and model numbers with hundredths. They do so by using numerals and number names, in addition to a decimal point. These early lessons on decimals are often not smooth sailing for many students. As a math teacher or homeschooling parent, you’d naturally want […]
An Introduction to Tenths
Once they attain fluency in fractions, fourth-graders move on to learn decimals. The introductory lessons focus on learning the tenths, which includes learning how to write and model whole numbers with tenths. Learning decimals can be a bumpy road for many children, which is even more important to properly grasp early concepts, such as tenths, […]
Decomposing Fractions to Show Equivalence
Decomposing fractions to show equivalence is one of the most interesting and fun lessons to teach in 4th grade, thanks to the many games and fun activities that math teachers can enrich their lessons with. Yet, it’s not infrequent that educators and homeschooling parents struggle with teaching this topic, especially in cases where children have […]
Teach Kids How to Find Whole Number Quotients and Remainders
In the fourth grade, students learn how to perform division with remainders. This includes learning how to find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to four-digit dividends and one-digit divisors. To do so, they rely on their knowledge of place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Although this may […]
Teaching Area Model Division to 4th Graders
Learning long-division can be challenging for fourth graders. Luckily, there’s the area model division (4th grade) to the rescue! Also referred to as the Box Method, this is a great method for children to become fluent in long division. So if you’re wondering how to teach area model division to your 4th-grade students, we’ve complied […]
Teaching Multiplication Word Problems (Grade 4)
Students often wonder why they’re learning a given math concept and word problems come in handy to help them realize the practical application of what is being taught. However, teaching word problems can be challenging, both for teachers and students. This is why we’ll share simple tips on teaching multiplication word problems (grade 4) for […]
Multiplying Two-Digit Numbers by Two-Digit Numbers
Once children are comfortable with multiplying two-digit numbers by one-digit numbers, they can go on to learn the multiplication of two-digit numbers by two-digit numbers. There are a number of ways in which teachers can help children become fluent in performing two-digit number multiplications. This article describes simple strategies to do so. Read on to […]
Activities to Practice Multi-Digit Whole Number Subtraction
In the fourth grade, children begin to do arithmetic with multi-digit numbers, including subtracting multi-digit whole numbers. Teachers do their best to engage a 4th grader’s attention while practicing multi-digit number subtraction but may notice that sometimes their mind wanders. If you’re a teacher looking to create an engaging classroom to help children with multi-digit […]
Multi-Digit Whole Number Addition
Children begin adding and subtracting in kindergarten and gradually build their understanding through the first three grades. In the fourth grade, they’re already starting to employ the standard addition algorithm to accurately and quickly add multi-digit whole numbers. If you’re a teacher, you may be wondering how to best guide your students toward mastery of […]
Rounding Multi-Digit Whole Numbers
In grade 3, children familiarize themselves a bit with rounding a given number to the closest 10 or 100 by applying their place value knowledge. In grade 4, they start learning the benefits of rounding to any place value and become comfortable with rounding multi-digit whole numbers to the nearest thousand, ten thousand, or hundred […]
15 Amazing Math Activities for Preschoolers
Research indicates that learning math early contributes to better math achievements later in school and even better achievement in literacy. The same study points out that the most predictive thing for later success in school is entering school with math skills. This is why we’ve compiled a list of 15 amazing math activities for preschoolers that will […]
How to Teach Place Value to 4th Graders
Place value is arguably one of the most important math concepts in the curricula of elementary school. As early as grade one, children start to recognize place value in numerals beyond 20. By grade four, students should have developed a solid understanding of place value in higher numbers, including three-digit numbers. Thus, they should be […]
13 Fun and Educational Math Activities for Middle School
When students start middle school, they leap into a brand new math realm. For many children, the size of the newly acquired math schoolbook, along with the increased workload will seem intimidating. As a middle school math teacher or educator, you’d naturally want to facilitate this tricky transition to ‘tweenhood’ math and help your students. […]
How to Help My Child With Math at Home?
Even if your child is nimble with numbers, at one point or another, they might struggle with math in school. These math struggles will not only affect children, teachers, and educators but also, another critical group – parents, who may find themselves wondering with a voice laden with exasperation: “How to help my child with math at […]
15 Fun Math Games to Play at Home
It’s no secret that math has gotten a bit of a bad rep over the years because many children simply see it as boring. And let’s be honest, not many of us remember those timed multiplication drills with a lot of fondness, right? But is there a way to change that? Well, you can simply […]
How to Help Kids Learn Multiplication Tables
Teaching multiplication tables is a struggle for many teachers, educators, and homeschooling parents. This should not come as a surprise, since multiplication is the first arithmetic operation where the sensory-motor experience of using your fingers for equations is no longer an option, and thus the first abstract arithmetic operation that children come across. To help […]
How to Teach Kids Patterns and Sequences
Observing the relationship of number patterns over a given period of time is what allows scientists to make educated guesses, and is at the heart of making mathematical pattern analyses. Understanding patterns will open doors for your students to understand more complex mathematical operations, but also, improve their ability to understand the world. This is why, in […]
Teaching Math to Students With Autism
Whether you are a homeschooling parent or a teacher at a school, if you have at least one student with autism, it’s possible that you’re struggling to fully meet their needs. In fact, one survey conducted by the charity Ambitious About Autism indicates that as many as 60% of teachers in England felt they lacked appropriate preparation […]
Find and Identify Angles in the Real World
How are Angles Used in the Real World? Angles are everywhere! It’s great to have an angle hunt or to search for angles in the real world because students and teachers start to see angles that they may not have noticed before. When you look for angles in objects, you can find patterns and see […]
Money as Decimals
Money is a great way to learn about decimals. Students have learned the value of coins and they have seen prices in stores and online. Money is a real world use of decimals and it’s important to show how it works with place value. After understanding place value with coins, I thought it was […]
Factors and Multiples: The Factor Factory Activity
Factors and Multiples When I taught fifth grade, my school had a meeting with incoming fourth graders and their parents. Some of the most asked questions had to do with math and multiplication facts. I remember telling them that it’s not just knowing your times tables, what’s more important is being able to recognize factors […]
Subtraction Involving Mixed Numbers
Subtraction Involving Mixed Numbers The great thing about subtracting fractions (Specifically Subtraction Involving Mixed Numbers) is that we have the opportunity to cut up the “wholes” into the number of pieces we need! Fractions can be tough because students see the numbers and don’t always think about the value of the fraction. I like to […]
Mean and Median Climate Activity
Mean and Median When I first start to teach measures of central tendency and compare mean and median, finding the median can be fun! Some students think that calculating the average and figuring out the mean is just a bit more… mean. But if we do some games and activities, my students start to find […]
Multiplying 3 and 4 digit Numbers using Area Models
Multiplying 3 and 4 digit Numbers using Area Models Multiplying multi-digit numbers using area not only helps students to visualize the products, but also helps show them how partial products work and add up. This can help students learn and understand multiplication as well as apply it to the standard algorithm for multiplication. In this […]
Composition and Decomposition of Polygons
Composition and Decomposition of Polygons Years ago, I had my bathroom redone. The man that came in to do the tiling was quiet, meticulous, patient and efficient. I live in an old house and was amazed at how he placed those tiles and got them to fit perfectly, even though the walls were not always […]
Graphing Inequalities with Cheerios
Graphing Inequalities When I start working with graphing inequalities with my students, and show the symbol <, there is almost always someone who remembers the inequality alligator who opens his mouth to gobble up the greater number. One of the hardest parts of inequalities is figuring out which way the sign faces in terms of […]
Solving Multi-Step Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
Solving Multi-Step Addition and Subtraction Word Problems Solving multi-step addition and subtraction word problems can help students see the relationship between operations, as well as practice their calculations. When I teach subtraction, I also like to show how students can use addition to check their work! Students often think that they are done when they […]
Comparing Multi-Digit Whole Numbers
Compare Multi-Digit Whole Numbers If students really understand place value, then they can get a stronger grasp on other mathematical operations! I like to start by asking students how many digits are in the universe? And most times students say infinity! Because fourth graders love the idea of infinity. But in fact, there are only […]
Equivalent Expressions Memory Cards
Equivalent Expressions 6th Grade Math I always tell my students to remember that math is a language. Sometimes writing expressions and finding equivalent expressions can be difficult for students. When they just see variable expressions on a page, it can be tough to figure out what the letters and numbers mean. But if we talk […]