adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers

Adding and Subtracting Multi-Digit Whole Numbers

Children learn how to add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers in fourth grade. By the time they start fifth grade, they should have a decent understanding of multi-digit whole number addition and subtraction based on the use of the standard algorithm for these operations. As a math teacher or a homeschooling parent, your job is […]

Dividing Multi-Digit Whole Numbers

Teach Dividing Multi-Digit Whole Numbers

Fifth grade is an exciting and rich math year. This is when kids need to become fluent in multi-digit whole number addition and subtraction, learn how to add and subtract decimals, and gain a decent understanding of multi-digit whole number multiplication and division. Since dividing multi-digit numbers is an essential skill that many exercises require, […]

fractions as division

Understanding Fractions as Division

When learning about fractions, fifth graders learn how to interpret fractions as division of the numerator and denominator, model fractions as division by using a tape diagram, as well as solve word problems involving fractions as division. If you’re a math teacher and you’re teaching fractions as division, you’re probably familiar with the fact that […]

measuring volume

Measuring Volume

In units on measuring volume, fifth graders learn how to find the volume of one layer of a figure by counting the cubes, how to apply addition when finding the total volume of a figure, and how to use multiplication when finding the volume of a figure given the volume of one layer. Whether you’re […]

volume of composite solid figures

Volume of Composite Solid Figures

When learning about the volume of composite solid figures, fifth graders are expected to compose and decompose figures into smaller rectangular prisms and understand how the volume of the figure is the sum of the smaller rectangular prisms. They should also achieve fluency in using the additive property of volume to find the volume of […]

2 dimensional shapes

2-Dimensional Shapes and Their Properties

In grade 5, students learn about the different 2-dimensional shapes, such as circles, squares, triangles, etc. They gain an in-depth understanding of what these shapes represent, and learn how to identify their properties. Lessons on 2-dimensional shapes can be lots of fun if math teachers are equipped with the right resources! To this end, we […]

what are quadrilaterals

What Are Quadrilaterals?

In the fifth grade, students learn what quadrilaterals are, get familiarized with the different types of quadrilaterals, and become fluent in determining the properties of each quadrilateral. They also learn how to draw quadrilaterals. There are many ways in which math teachers can make lessons on quadrilaterals more engaging. To help out, we’ve included awesome […]

Interpreting Multiplication

Interpreting Multiplication

In units on multiplying and dividing fractions, fifth-graders begin interpreting multiplication as scaling, by comparing the size of a product to the size of one factor, given the size of the other factor, without calculation. Lessons on fractions can be challenging for students, and interpreting multiplication as scaling with fractions is no exception to this. […]

Common denominators

Common Denominators

In units on fractions, fifth graders learn how to list down multiples to find common denominators, how to determine common denominators shared by fractions using prime factorization, as well as express fractions with their equivalent fractions sharing a common denominator. A good understanding of common denominators is essential for students to be able to add […]

Teaching equivalent fractions

Teaching Equivalent Fractions

When learning about equivalent fractions, students learn how to represent equivalent fractions using area models, as well as visualize equivalent fractions using number lines. They also become fluent in determining equivalent fractions. Whether you’re a math teacher or a homeschooling parent, you can turn your lesson on equivalent fractions into a success by blending theory […]

Decimal place value

Decimal Place Value: Teaching About Place Value and Decimals

When students learn about decimal place value, they learn how to compare decimals, and are able to arrange them in ascending or descending order. They also gain fluency in rounding off decimals. Students may initially find decimal place value concepts confusing and mix up the tenths with tens or hundredths with hundreds, but don’t despair! […]

Teaching order of operations with parentheses

Teaching Order of Operations With Parentheses

When learning about the order of operations with parentheses in grade 5, students become fluent in evaluating numerical expressions with parentheses, as well in using the order of operations in solving problems that involve numerical expressions. To make this topic more engaging for kids, math teachers can incorporate special teaching tips and fun games in […]

Teaching order of math operations without parentheses

Teaching Order of Math Operations Without Parentheses

When learning about the order of math operations without parentheses, students become fluent in evaluating numerical expressions (without parentheses) following the order of operations, as well as in using the order of operations in solving problems involving numerical expressions. To make these lessons more inviting for 5th graders, math teachers and homeschooling parents can enrich […]

Teaching fraction equivalence

Teaching Fraction Equivalence

Fractions represent a foundation for many more advanced fields of math and science overall. In fact, it’s shown that children’s knowledge of fractions in elementary school can serve as an early predictor of their math achievement in high school. Yet, many students continue to struggle with understanding fractions, and one major reason behind this is […]

The customary units of length

The Customary Units of Lengths

In the fourth grade, students learn about the customary units of length. This includes determining the different customary units of length and how they are related to each other, as well as converting larger to smaller units and vice versa. To make these measures of length lessons engaging, math teachers can employ a variety of […]

The metric units of length

The Metric Units of Length

When fourth graders learn about conversion and measurements, they usually start with the metric units of length. They become fluent in determining the different metric units of length and how they are related to each other, as well as in converting larger units to smaller units and vice versa. Math teachers can transform these early […]

Teaching parallel and perpendicular lines

Teaching Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Once fourth-grade students are confident in their knowledge of the undefined terms of geometry, including planes, points, and lines, you can move on to teaching parallel and perpendicular lines. Math teachers can use different strategies to make these early geometry lessons fun, and today we’ll share a few such awesome strategies that will help you […]

The undefined terms of geometry

The Undefined Terms of Geometry

The undefined terms of geometry serve as the building blocks for defining other terms. There are three such undefined terms, including point, line, and plane. However, even if we don’t formally define them, we can, of course, describe these terms. There are plenty of ways in which teachers can make teaching the undefined terms of […]

Intro to hundredths

An Introduction to Hundredths

Once children learn the tenths, they start learning how to read, write, and model numbers with hundredths. They do so by using numerals and number names, in addition to a decimal point. These early lessons on decimals are often not smooth sailing for many students. As a math teacher or homeschooling parent, you’d naturally want […]

An Introduction to Tenths

Once they attain fluency in fractions, fourth-graders move on to learn decimals. The introductory lessons focus on learning the tenths, which includes learning how to write and model whole numbers with tenths. Learning decimals can be a bumpy road for many children, which is even more important to properly grasp early concepts, such as tenths, […]

Decomposing fractions to show equivalence

Decomposing Fractions to Show Equivalence 

Decomposing fractions to show equivalence is one of the most interesting and fun lessons to teach in 4th grade, thanks to the many games and fun activities that math teachers can enrich their lessons with. Yet, it’s not infrequent that educators and homeschooling parents struggle with teaching this topic, especially in cases where children have […]

find whole number quotients and remainders

Teach Kids How to Find Whole Number Quotients and Remainders

In the fourth grade, students learn how to perform division with remainders. This includes learning how to find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to four-digit dividends and one-digit divisors. To do so, they rely on their knowledge of place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Although this may […]

area model division 4th grade

Teaching Area Model Division to 4th Graders

Learning long-division can be challenging for fourth graders. Luckily, there’s the area model division (4th grade) to the rescue! Also referred to as the Box Method, this is a great method for children to become fluent in long division. So if you’re wondering how to teach area model division to your 4th-grade students, we’ve complied […]

multiplication word problems grade 4

Teaching Multiplication Word Problems (Grade 4)

Students often wonder why they’re learning a given math concept and word problems come in handy to help them realize the practical application of what is being taught. However, teaching word problems can be challenging, both for teachers and students. This is why we’ll share simple tips on teaching multiplication word problems (grade 4) for […]

multiplying two digit numbers by two digit numbers

Multiplying Two-Digit Numbers by Two-Digit Numbers

Once children are comfortable with multiplying two-digit numbers by one-digit numbers, they can go on to learn the multiplication of two-digit numbers by two-digit numbers. There are a number of ways in which teachers can help children become fluent in performing two-digit number multiplications. This article describes simple strategies to do so. Read on to […]

activities to practice multi-digit whole number subtraction

Activities to Practice Multi-Digit Whole Number Subtraction

In the fourth grade, children begin to do arithmetic with multi-digit numbers, including subtracting multi-digit whole numbers. Teachers do their best to engage a 4th grader’s attention while practicing multi-digit number subtraction but may notice that sometimes their mind wanders. If you’re a teacher looking to create an engaging classroom to help children with multi-digit […]

activities to practice multi-digit whole number subtraction

Multi-Digit Whole Number Addition

Children begin adding and subtracting in kindergarten and gradually build their understanding through the first three grades. In the fourth grade, they’re already starting to employ the standard addition algorithm to accurately and quickly add multi-digit whole numbers. If you’re a teacher, you may be wondering how to best guide your students toward mastery of […]

rounding multi-digit whole numbers

Rounding Multi-Digit Whole Numbers

In grade 3, children familiarize themselves a bit with rounding a given number to the closest 10 or 100 by applying their place value knowledge. In grade 4, they start learning the benefits of rounding to any place value and become comfortable with rounding multi-digit whole numbers to the nearest thousand, ten thousand, or hundred […]

Math activities for preschoolers

15 Amazing Math Activities for Preschoolers

Research indicates that learning math early contributes to better math achievements later in school and even better achievement in literacy. The same study points out that the most predictive thing for later success in school is entering school with math skills. This is why we’ve compiled a list of 15 amazing math activities for preschoolers that will […]

teach place value for kids

How to Teach Place Value to 4th Graders

Place value is arguably one of the most important math concepts in the curricula of elementary school. As early as grade one, children start to recognize place value in numerals beyond 20. By grade four, students should have developed a solid understanding of place value in higher numbers, including three-digit numbers. Thus, they should be […]